Count Spaceships

spaceship worksheet

Just for fun (and early math practice), a spaceship counting worksheet for your class. We have different numbers of items, some all alike and some mixtures, and different arrangements, so there’s a little bit of challenge even though the numbers are small. Click to download the pdf file. count-spaceships Continue reading

Pi Day Classroom Resources

Pi Day is 3/14, and I’m sure you’re planning to celebrate it in your classroom. I’ve got a collection of links for you, all of which can be used spontaneously, without prep, in some little snippet of time left over during the day. Then, when you’re home with the family,… Continue reading

Nutrition Math Activities

nutrition math

  “Why are we doing math in writing class?” a student complained this morning. “Because we’re working with information, and this information happens to have numbers in it,” I explained.  That’s why it makes sense to do math in health class, too, or health in math class, as the case… Continue reading

Online Math Resources

  Here are our favorite online resources for math, including games to play in the compauter center: Absurd Math: Pre-Algebra from Another Dimension MIT’s free online math courses for high school Mathbun, a sort of free-floating celebration of geometry and other cool math concepts Create a Graph is an excellent… Continue reading