How people read online…
Reading online is different from reading physical books. Note how these students interact with mouse and keyboard immediately. Continue reading
Reading online is different from reading physical books. Note how these students interact with mouse and keyboard immediately. Continue reading
Today is the first day of school in my district. Teachers and students alike view this day with trepidation. We teachers know that the success of the school year depends not only on us, and not only on the individual students we receive (though both those things are certainly important),… Continue reading
A word wall is a bulletin board or wall section covered with words. Words typically are on word cards, such as the one being savaged in the photo above. Word walls are there for your visual students to gaze at, they can be a tactile experience for your kinesthetic… Continue reading
Engaging our students is one of the big topics around the teachers’ lounges right now, or at least the virtual teachers’ lounges. Sometimes it’s presented in terms of educational trends of the future: our students are plugged in multitaskers, and we can’t expect them to sit still and pay… Continue reading
You’ve got to get a feel for your students’ skills, they need to feel connected to one another enough to be able to work together effectively, and everyone has to learn each other’s names. Time for some community-building activities in the classroom! If you’re not in class yet… send… Continue reading
You need classroom helpers. Even more, your students need the opportunity to have jobs. It increases their sense of ownership, gives practice with responsibility, and can even reduce your workload. It can also smooth the running of the classroom. Harry Wong’s The First Days of School: How to Be an… Continue reading
When we study about communities, there are three things we can mean by the word “community.” Usually we study all of them. A community is a place. Learn to read the name of the town where you live, find it on the map, and identify your own neighborhoods, the location of… Continue reading
Wild animals, zoo animals, African animals, jungle animals — all popular classroom themes. One of the advantages to these themes is that there are plenty of ready-made decoratives. I say, if making bulletin boards is your art form and your creative outlet, then good for you — go ahead and… Continue reading
Let’s read Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The title links you to a simple, traditional telling of the story, with pictures. In the story, a little girl named Goldilocks goes into the house of a bear family and tastes their porridge (which they have left cooling while they went for… Continue reading
Josepha shows file folder centers for telling time, designed to go with your Cinderella unit. Continue reading